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sumitkr2000's github profile

This is a business website where users with the help of lots of unique blocks, can easily build a page without coding and quickly.

Resume Creator

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project uses Basic html, css, javascript to create a basic Resume Creator, where you can create your resume and most important download the created Resume.

Motivational Quote

prachisingh1008's github profile

It displays a new page with a visually engaging background image of nature and displaying motivational quotes. This helps to create a more pleasant and inspiring environment for users when they open a new tab.

React PWA Starter Template

nc1z's github profile

Opinionated React PWA Starter built with Create-React-App, MUI and Firebase

Gradient Wizard

Shivam-Katare's github profile

GradientWizard is a web application that allows you to generate gradient colors using a simple and intuitive interface.With GradientWizard, you can easily create beautiful gradients by selecting colors manually or generating random gradients. Additionally, you can copy the css code for the generated gradient and use it in your projects.

An spotify Clone

Sahilll15's github profile

Songyfy is an outstanding Spotify Clone leveraging ReactJS and the Spotify API. Immerse yourself in the world of music as you explore your favorite tunes, artists, and playlists, all within this impressive web application.

Quran App

iqrasarwar's github profile

A mobile application for quran with translation in urdu and English. You can view Quran surah wise and parah wise.

Pinterest Clone

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

A Pinterest Clone

Alkaison Blog

Alkaison's github profile

I'll be sharing my knowledge on a variety of topics and concepts.

Tweet Generator

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Create personalized Twitter post images with custom usernames, user IDs, tweet content, and profile pictures using this Next.js app built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.